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​Thuam Cin Khai, EdD, PhD, President of Judson Bible College

From The President's Desk

Frequently Ask Questions


1.Why did the students choose Judson Bible College (JBC) over other Theological Seminaries?
There are mainly three simple reasons why the students chose JBC. Firstly, it is because the medium of instruction is English, but interpretation service is provided concurrently during class hours for the students who are not proficient in English. Secondly, because of affordable tuition fees, the existing  students and prospective students are  attracted. We only charge $33.00 per credit hour. Thirdly, it is because of our flexible class schedules which meet the need of working adults who are mostly available in the evenings and weekends.
2.What would the class schedules be like?
Classes are held on Friday evenings and Saturdays to meet the needs of working students. Our class schedules normally do not conflict with the schedules of most working adults.  In  the National  Capital Region Campus, we only provide Saturday classes from 8:00AM to 5:00PM.

3.Does JBC provide financial assistance?
Prospective students or current students, who have been  residents of New  York State for a  minumum of one year, are eligible to apply for Federal PELL Grant and Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) for the students enrolled for Davis  College programs if they meet the eligibility requirements.  For now, only Students  from Buffalo campus are eligible for PELL grant  and TAP as the state approval for Davis College's teaching site with JBC has not been been granted in Maryland yet.  However, the prospective students or current students from all teaching sites,  who  are in need of financial aid, may be eligible for Wesley Scholarship or Judson Scholarship if they wish to apply.

The school has made the tuition fees very reasonable and affordable to prospective students. Students are expected to complete 12 courses per academic year. There are 3 credit hours per course. Students enrolled for Davis College programs are eligible for Pell grant. The students upon their successful completion of Diploma in Ministerial Studies are eligible to pursue their Bachelor Degree with  Davis College provided they hold High School Diploma from their motherland or in the United States.

4.Is JBC regionally and nationally accredited?
No. However, JBC is proud to be a member of Association for Christian Distance Education (ACCESS). JBC is currently seeking to become an accredited member of Association of Independent Christian Colleges and Seminaries (AICCS)


JBC's long-term goal is to expand its campuses nationally and abroad,  and to offer online courses to meet the needs of prospective international students. JBC also intends to seek accreditation with the relevant accrediting body recognized by Secretary of Education of United States in the future.

Continued FAQs




5.Is JBC affiliated with Davis College? Is Davis College accredited?
Yes, JBC is affiliated with Davis College. And, the courses designed for Diploma in Ministerial Studies at JBC are accepted by David College only if JBC students hold High School Diploma. JBC students who have successfully completed their 2-year Diploma courses, are eligible to transfer their credit hours toward Davis College program as a third year students if they only manage to pass High School or equivalent education at the time. This means, transfer students will pursue another two-year Degree courses for Davis College program for Bachelor Degree in Ministerial Studies.​


Regional Accreditation

Davis College was accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education in 2005. The Commission is recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education for accrediting activities in the Middle States region, which includes the District of Columbia, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Island.


Professional Accreditation
In 2006, Davis College was reaffirmed for its accreditation with the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE) for the next ten years. ABHE provides accreditation and services for institutions and programs of biblical higher education within Canada, the United States, and related territories. Davis College has been accredited by ABHE since 1985.



6.What is the advantage of registering yourself at JBC?
There are a few advantages for joining JBC for those who are serious and determined about pursuing Theological studies and serving God in future. Students are attracted to JBC because of its reasonable tuition fees and experienced Bible teachers, scholars, and professors.

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